The meal manga is written about food. The manga is written a social problem, an environmental problem, the culture about the meal. There are the manga that wrote the recipe of the dish. The beginning of meal comics is 1970. I introduce Japanese meal manga.
In Japan of the 1980s, a gourmet boom was born. It is comics to have got on the flow. The name of manga is "Oishinbo". Wide food including Japanese style and the Western style is introduced. The sales of the book broke through million books. "Oishinbo" has high popularity and is unfolded in an animated cartoon and a drama.
I introduce different manga. The name of manga is "Cooking Papa". This manga was published serially in 1986. It is sold to 125 volumes now. It is homey manga. "Cooking Papa" is introduced with a recipe and the picture of the dish every one episode. The stage of the story is Japan. A restaurant, a sightseeing spot, the festival, of various parts of Japan is introduced. The ingredients of the dish are introduced by high-quality food and the cheap food. This manga became the animated cartoon, too.
These two are published serially from old days. I have read a cooking papa. This manga are very interesting. "Araiwa" of the chief character can make a dish. But wife can not cook a dish. "Araiwa" which is a husband is manga to make a dish. He is good at cooking a dish and seems to be very delicious. How to make is written and can easily make it. The advice is written, too. "Cooking Papa" introduce a lot of dishes with the idea. I can make it very happily. I think an animated cartoon may be more interesting. Speaking of a recent gourmet animated cartoon, "toriko". Finally I introduce "toriko".
"Toriko" is the battle comics that featured the theme of a meal. The ingredients are fanciful. It is sold about 20 million copies. Contents of manga is capture ingredients and gather. I have looked by manga and an animation. An animation is more interesting than manga. It is more powerful than manga.
Manga is Japanese culture. There is a lot of other manga. Please read Japanese manga. Please be interested in meal manga. You can have new knowledge by reading a meal manga. I think that there is new discovery.
How do you think? I love Japanese food! And you?
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